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ICN - Italian Communication Network - is a strategic institutional consulting firm specialized in online and offline communication activities. We assist our clients in managing people, processes, and data to increase business profitability through specific actions. Our commitment is to represent to local, national, and European policy makers the insights derived from direct knowledge of the problems and challenges in the represented sector. We conduct thorough institutional and legislative monitoring at the local, national, and European community levels to analyze the most relevant information and regulatory interventions that will impact the client's field of interest. The monitoring activity is preparatory to defining the best strategies for advocacy and lobbying activities to promote, consolidate, and defend the client's interest. Our team consists of communication professionals considered among the best in the country, we have a decade of experience behind us, and we are training the best talents of the future. We were among the first to experiment, innovate, and design new paths. National and international communication, institutional relations, and consensus building are integral parts of our DNA - Companies that have entrusted us with their specific expertise have never left us.

Who we are

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